Yesterday was just a bizarre day. We lost part of our group for hours (none of our MC crew, we lost part of the locals) we had electrical issues with Beaker starting, we MIGHT have had a upper control arm mount MAYBE fall of but we CERTAINLY did not weld it on the trail with the fire bans. No, no. We did NOT do that.
Once we finally got to moving, Jen got Green Bug going through some pretty gnarly obstacles considered Part 4 of the trail with no issues at all. She made it looked effortless and it was beautiful! We need to get her in the driver seat more today.
But alas, immediately after she pulled it through, Beaker just stopped running. After some diagnostics coding (now a trail requirement) the guys narrowed it down to a crank shaft position sensor. The closest place we could source it was an O'Rielly's in Rapid City.
It was at that point that the MC girls motored out of the trail and Sarah and Angela drove out to pick up the parts. All I'm gonna say about that is people in SD have no place to go, have no sense of urgency and are not very intimidated by a girl driving a giant truck very fast with a beaver on it. And I might have scared Sarah just a touch. But we made it and got back to camp with parts at 8:30p.
Within minutes of our arrival, Matt, Phill and Steve left for the late night rescue mission! I understand it was dark by the time they reached Beaker.
Changing the part was uneventful! It started immediately and they drove out with no issues arriving back at camp at 10:30p.
It's raining and thundering this morning and we've got three solid rigs ready to wheel but we haven't discusses the plan for our day yet. I think we are all itching to get the wheeling going. Decisions after coffee!!